The Best Eco-Friendly Blogs
Here at Reusable Menstrual Cups, we’re all about eco-friendly products. The reason is obvious—because we care about the environment and want to do our part to reduce waste. Reusable feminine hygiene products like menstrual cups, cloth menstrual pads, and period panties go a long way towards treading lightly upon the Earth.
If you’re looking for your first menstrual cup, be sure to check out our Menstrual Cup Quiz.
However, making the switch from disposable to reusable feminine hygiene products is only a very small part of the bigger picture. That’s why we’re featuring our top 25 eco-friendly bloggers to keep an eye on. Are you ready to get inspired? Then keep on reading these recommendations in one of the most popular blog niches.
#1: Eco-Warrior Princess (Jennifer Nini)
Eco Warrior Princess, out of Australia covers a wide range of topics, including fashion, business, politics, feminism, eco beauty, wellness, and technology, but with a sustainable, eco-friendly slant.
Why we love it:
- Regularly updated (almost daily).
- The founder walks the talk. She’s an organic farmer, off-grid pioneer, and beekeeper.
- The huge range of topics covered.
- Even just a couple of minutes spent here will inspire you to all kinds of sustainable living awesome!
Check it out: Eco-Warrior Princess.
#2: Wellness Mama (Katie)
Next up on our list of the top sustainability blogs is the Wellness Mama.
Katie from Wellness Mama is a mother of six, but she still manages to have an awesome blog, as well as a podcast, and books. Amazing!
She started the site after reading in a magazine article that for the first time in centuries, children will have a shorter life expectancy than parents. Her goal is to help families make the transition to a more natural lifestyle.
Why we love the Wellness Mama:
- If she can make the change with six kids, anyone can.
- Her recipe are delicious, easy to make and perfect for kids.
- A great community of moms striving to live a healthier lifestyle. Get some support in along the way.
- The tips she offers are very practical, baby steps to take you a little bit further on your own journey and not leave you feeling overwhelmed.
Find it here: The Wellness Mama.
#3: The Green Prophet (Karin Kloosterman)
Coming in at number three on our list of eco friendly bloggers to follow is the Green Prophet. Karin is an environmental activist, biologist and journalist and her goal is to share stories from the Middle East that can inspire change. She’s originally from Canada, but is now based in Israel.
Why we love the Green Prophet:
- It’s one of the few eco friendly blogs out of the Middle East
- Karin’s goal is a high one—to create a new reality in the Middle East.
- The Green Prophet covers a huge range of topics including food, sustainable building, fashion, and technology.
Check it out here: The Green Prophet.
#4: Nature Mom (Tiffany Washko)
Tiffany from the Nature mom is an inspiration! She is an urban homesteader, wife and mother of three who focuses on living sustainably in a healthy way. If you want to tread lightly on the Earth, then you’ll need to follow Tiffany for some inspiration along your journey.
Here’s why Nature Mom is awesome:
- A mother of 3—if she can do it, anyone can!
- Her tips cover a wide range of topics including beauty + fashion, food, parenting, and technology.
- Each post offers multiple, extremely actionable tips for getting started with eco friendly living.
- Get inspired. Tiffany is a real person who is doing the sustainable lifestyle thing in style. This really comes across when reading Nature Mom.
Find it here: Nature Mom.
#5: Green Talk (Anna Hackman)
If you’re looking to get into gardening, then Green Talk is the blog for you. Anna has a million and one extremely practical tips for getting started with growing food or increasing your productivity if you’ve already begun. She focuses on doing this all in an eco friendly, organic way.
Green Talk is also a nice resource for those looking to build a green home, as Anna has already been down this road and has a wealth of information to share.
Here’s why we love Green Talk:
- So much information about organic gardening!
- Her family (with four kids) produces only one bag of trash per week. If this isn’t amazing, we’re not sure what is. Check out her blog for some inspiration and tips to reduce your own waste.
- There’s a nice community of people who follow Green Talk.
- Anna is very interactive and takes time to answer questions, and reply to comments on her site.
Ready to go green? Check out Green Talk.
#6: Green Living Ideas (Andrea Devon Bertoli)
It would be hard to find a more comprehensive resource for eco-friendly, sustainable living anywhere on the Internet than Green Living Ideas. Andrea covers green home and cars, organic and natural food, and waste reduction in detail, as well as just about anything else eco friendly you could possibly think of.
She is a vegetarian chef based in Hawaii, and this is reflected in the awesomeness of her food posts! Yum!
Here’s why we love Green Living Ideas:
- Regularly updated (daily). Check in often for a new bit of inspiration towards a greener lifestyle.
- Mouth-watering recipes.
- Going green doesn’t mean giving up on style and fashion—we love how they offer lots of tips for having an awesome life, just not one that is hard on the Earth.
- Tips for dining out vegan—this is something quite difficult to do, so we appreciate all the advice that they offer at Green Living Ideas.
For some of this awesome, go to Green Living Ideas.
#7: Eco Child’s Play (Jennifer Lance)
If you have children, Eco Child’s Play is a must-follow blog. Jennifer has a ton of tips for green parenting, in healthy, non-toxic homes. Her goal is to help the whole family live a greener life and raise her children with the smallest carbon footprint possible. The best part about it is that Jennifer walks the talk—she’s been living off the grid for 20 years.
Here’s why you need to check out Eco Child’s Play:
- The best source for green parenting that we could find anywhere on the Internet
- Actionable tips from someone who REALLY knows her stuff. Seriously, she’s a pro but makes the tips simple enough for just about anybody to implement.
- Lots of kid-friendly recipes, from a gluten-free, vegan perspective.
- Helpful reviews of green toys. Be sure to check out Eco Child’s Play for some advice before Christmas shopping.
Get some of the awesome here: Eco Child’s Play.
#8: Green & Clean Mom (Sommer Poquette)
Next up on our list of eco friendly bloggers to watch for is Green & Clean Mom. Sommer is a children’s author who shares a ton of tips for healthy, green living for the entire family. She covers a huge range of topics including entrepreneurship, green cleaning, food, causes, and green homes.
Here’s why we follow Green & Clean Mom:
- We appreciate her entrepreneurial perspective on things.
- Delicious recipes that make us want to get up out of our chairs and head straight to the kitchen.
- She focuses on some bigger picture, sustainable living causes.
- If you’re looking to build a green home, be sure to check out her tips on this. Useful, beginner level stuff that offers a nice, basic overview of the issues.
Find Sommer here: Green & Clean Mom.
#9: Zero Waste Home (Bea Johnson)
Coming it #9 on our of sustainable bloggers is the Zero Waste Home.
Zero Waste Home is on our blog feed because it focuses on the ideal that we should all be striving for—a home with no waste coming out of it. Through a combination of Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot, Bea manages to throw away almost nothing! It’s certainly impressive, and although we’re not there yet, we find her tips inspiring and empowering.
Here’s why you need to check out Zero Waste Home:
- Her family’s entire waste for 2017 fit into a small jar. Seriously. It’s impressive to say the least. Check out the picture!
- Reducing waste also contributes to money savings, health benefits, and time savings. It just makes good sense to strive for this goal and we love her practical tips.
- Even though she’s a guru at the waste reduction thing, her tips are actionable for the average person.
Find out how to reduce waste here: Zero Waste Home.
#10: EcoGeek (Hank Green)
If you’re looking for tips about how to green up your technology, look no further than EcoGeek for some serious inspiration. Sure, technology has the potential to harm the environment, but it also has the potential to help it, in a serious way. Hank focuses on the latter, and really has his finger on the pulse of all things green tech.
Here’s why EcoGeek is a must follow eco friendly blog:
- There are very few blogs devoted exclusively to green tech. Of them, EcoGeek is one of the best.
- Hank writes about technology in a way that almost everyone can understand. His posts are low on jargon, and assume very little knowledge on the part of the reader. Thank you!
- He’s very accessible and you can ask him questions.
Learn more about eco friendly technology here: EcoGeek.
#11: Back to Calley (Calley Pate)
Back to Calley has a ton of useful tips for living a greener lifestyle, with a focus on parenting. We especially love her down to earth, conversational tone that is easy to read. We almost always leave her site feeling a bit more inspired towards green living awesome. She covers a wide range of topics including crafting, green living, family, travel, family and cloth diapers.
Here’s why we follow Back to Calley:
- We LOVE cloth diapers, and she’s the guru for all things not plastic, disposable ones.
- Regular updates on her blog (weekly)
- She’s a Florida local, so if you’re looking to bring your family to Disney World, be sure to check out her very practical tips.
Get some of the awesome here: Back to Calley.
#12: Accidentally Green (Hilary Kimes Bernstein)
Accidentally Green is a blog focused on healthy, green living that is geared towards beginners looking to make the change to a more eco-friendly, natural lifestyle. If that sounds like you, then you’ll need to check it out.
Hilary’s goal is to help readers make simple, healthy choices and to make slow, steady progress, instead of radical changes. We appreciate this outlook because it’s rare that a radical makeover has a lasting effect. It’s usually the small changes, implemented over time that are sustainable, and the good news is that over time, these small things do make a huge difference.
Here’s why we follow Accidentally Green:
- It focuses on small, actionable steps. We can’t say that we’ve EVER felt overwhelmed after reading one of her posts.
- A nice range of topics including cooking, personal care products, cleaning products, and green choices for pregnant or nursing women.
- She has some interesting ideas you won’t find other places, such as making the switch from toilet paper to non-disposable alternatives.
Check it out here: Accidentally Green.
#13: Mindful Momma (Micaela Preston)
Mindful Momma is on our list of the best eco friendly blogs because her attitude is that living healthily and naturally can be fun and flexible. We love that because going green is a gradual process that looks different for every single person and it’s best to not subscribe to any one way of doing things. In reality, there are a million paths and Micaela offers some inspiration on your own journey.
Here’s why we follow her:
- She focuses on sustainable living, the stress-free way.
- Her recipes are easy to follow, and don’t require a lot of time or complicated ingredients.
- We love her reviews of eco-friendly products—straightforward, unbiased and only the information you need to decide whether or not you need it.
Check out the Mindful Momma.
#14: Happy Simple Living (Eliza Cross)
Next up on our list of the eco friendly blogs to keep an eye on is Eliza Cross at Happy Simple Living. The thing that caught our eye about her site is her annual January Money Diet. We LOVE that idea, and are actually engaged in this very thing ourselves. We’ve done it for years, so were happy to find someone following the same path.
Here’s why you should check it out:
- She talks about buying fewer things. We find this approach refreshing, and also strange that more eco friendly bloggers aren’t talking about this.
- Regularly updated (a couple times a week). Get regular doses of inspiration here.
- She emphasizes living simply and sustainably, while having some fun along the way. Don’t forget about the fun!
You can check it out here: Happy Simple Living.
#15: Green Living Guy (Seth Leitman)
Number fifteen on our list of sustainable blogs is the Green Living Guy.
We follow Seth Leitman because we find him to be one of the smartest, most interesting voices on green technology, especially with regards to green cars. He’s written a ton of books, ranging from green lighting to building your own electric motorcycle. You can find him all over social media and his content is regularly updated.
Here’s why we like him so much:
- He’s our go-to guy for everything electric cars and motorcycles.
- He has a huge social media following and a nice community of people around him.
- His videos are excellent, and you can potentially spend days of your life heading down that rabbit hole of eco friendly awesome.
Check him out: Green Living Guy.
#16: Moral Fibres (Wendy)
Wendy is all about sustainability and offers a ton of tips that are easy and simple to implement. We love that—it’s much easier to take baby steps towards reducing your ecological footprint than it is to make big, sweeping changes. She writes about life and style, food and drink, home and garden, family, and travel.
Here’s why we follow Moral Fibres:
- She does sustainability in a hip, not hippie way. This has the potential to connect with a huge audience of people outside the fringes of green living.
- She does some nice link roundups, where she shares her favourite eco friendly articles from other blogs.
- Her articles are very well-researched. For example, her recent one about the Problem with Palm Oil was very informative and convincing.
You can check it out for yourself here: Moral Fibres.
#17: Sustainably Chic (Natalie)
We chose Sustainably Chic because this is one of the few blogs devoted exclusively to green fashion. Just because there aren’t other ones out there, doesn’t mean that this one isn’t good. It’s great, in fact. Smart, interesting, chic and savvy.
Here are a few more reasons why we love it:
- Her goal is responsible fashion. You can have your cake and eat it too! You can look good, but tread lightly on the Earth.
- She also covers eco homes, and green beauty. Her blog is worth a follow, even if you’re not entirely into green fashion.
- Check out the “Brands to Love” section of the site—it’s a good start if you’re looking for some new clothes.
You can see it all for yourself here: Sustainably Chic.
#18: Life+Style+Justice (Hannah Theisen)
Next up on our list of the best eco friendly blogs is Life+Style+Justice. This blog has a bit of a different angle to it than the other blogs mentioned to date, in that Hannah focuses on social justice issues as they relate to sustainable and green living. She believes that normal, everyday actions can result in changes in the world in the areas it needs it most.
Why we follow Life+Style+Justice:
- We get our weekly dose of inspiration here! Make small changes in your life, have an impact around the world.
- We love her conscious travel guides. They’re smart, well-researched and come out of her extensive traveling experience.
- She focuses on zero waste, one of our favourite topics!
#19: The Note Passer (Elizabeth Stilwell)
Next up on our list of Sustainable Bloggers is The Note Passer.
Have a look at the Note Passer right now! Stop what you’re doing (reading this list) and head on over there. Elizabeth is a writer, graphic designer, and illustrator, and the results are obvious on her website. It’s a funny, entertaining, and witty look at green living and ethical lifestyle alternatives.
Here’s why you should follow the Note Passer:
- It’ll probably be the most entertaining thing you read all day.
- She covers some unusual topics that you won’t see other bloggers talking about. Just have a look and see for yourself.
- Her aim is that we can have lives filled with more meaning, and less waste. Love it! Thanks for the inspiration Elizabeth.
You can check it out for yourself: The Note Passer.
#20: VegieHead (Adele McConnell)
If you need a bit of inspiration in the kitchen, you’ve come to the right place! Adel has some amazing, delicious and easy to prepare plant-based recipes. She created the site after growing tired of bland, faux-meat recipes. Quite frankly, we’re tired of that crap too so are very happy to find websites like this one!
Here’s why we can’t stop checking out Vegiehead:
- Regular updates, which means more awesome things to try out.
- She makes it easy to transition to a plant-based diet. Her recipes are simple, and don’t require a ton of crazy ingredients. In our experience, even meat eaters are pretty happy eating her stuff!
- She has an online plant-based cooking course. We’ve yet to try it, but it’s on our list of the awesome things to check out this year.
Get yourself some cooking inspiration here: Vegiehead.
#21: The Rogue Ginger (Erin)
If you’re looking to go zero-waste, this is your blog. Erin starts at the VERY beginning, and takes you step-by-step through the process of reducing waste, with the goal of eventually producing none. A lot of the other blogs dedicated to this assume that you’re starting at the mid-way point. However, Erin meets people where they’re at, which we find extremely useful. Keep up the good work!
Here’s why her blog is worth a read:
- The posts are VERY detailed. Think epic. She’s really good at covering a topic in its entirety. There are also a ton of actionable tips.
- She focuses on how zero waste has made her happier and healthier. We like that approach because there are most definitely benefits to reducing waste that go beyond the environmental ones.
- She covers a huge range of topics, from pregnancy to home building, to weddings. Have a look for yourself.
Get yourself some zero waste awesome here: The Rogue Ginger.
#22: Your Zen Life (Teresa Palmer and Phoebe Tonkin)
The Zen Life has contributions from experts in areas ranging from nutrition to meditation to eco-living, mindfulness and healthy cooking. You really can find a little bit of everything here at this website and we appreciate the emphasis on health, mindfulness, and our daily interactions.
Here’s why it’s on our list:
- Goes beyond simple tips to something bigger.
- The idea that everyone is on their own journey to sustainable living, as well as mindfulness, and health to name only a few things.
- Delicious recipes that are healthy, and nourishing.
Get your zen on here: Your Zen Life.
#23: Ecocult (Alden Wicker)
If you’re into sustainability bloggers, then you’ll definitely want to check out Ecocult.
Ecocult is all kinds of awesome if you’re looking to make a more sustainable, eco-friendly life for yourself. The writing is real, honest, and refreshing and it’ll make you want to pour yourself a cup of coffee and stay for a while. Alden loves things that are local, sustainable, eco-friendly, and handmade but only when they’re done well.
Here’s why we find Ecocult inspiring:
- It’s smart, funny and engaging.
- Alden is based in NYC and we love how she shows us how to live a sustainable lifestyle in the big city.
- Regularly updated (almost daily) so keep coming back for your hit of green living inspiration.
Get your fill here: Ecocult.
#24: Hello Glow (Stephanie Gerber)
Stephanie at Hello Glow is the guru of all things DIY home and beauty products. Seriously. her recipes are awesome and we’ve personally tried quite a few of them with excellent results. Stephanie’s goal is to help people glow from the inside out.
Here’s why you need to check out this blog:
- Awesome, DIY health products. We LOVE making our own stuff, instead of buying it from stores.
- Her detox guides are excellent.
- If you dig a bit deeper on Hello Glow, you’ll find a TON of really great information. It’s one of those sites you can spend days cruising around on.
Get all the eco friendly awesome here: Hello Glow.
#25: The Foraged Life (Rachel Lees)
Last but not least in our list of the best eco friendly blogs to follow this one from Rachel Lees. Most of all, we love how much time Rachel spends in nature, since it inspires us to get outside every day too. Thanks Rachel! She has ideas for eco friendly living, travel, and brands.
Here’s why she is a must-follow:
- Beautiful pictures of nature.
- She writes a lot about how we can co-exist with nature, something that most other bloggers rarely speak of.
- Her guides to eco-friendly travel for various countries, or cities are excellent. You should definitely have a look to see if she’s covered the place you’re going during your initial research. She has some excellent, specific recommendations.
- We love the advice she gives for foraging. We’re personally a little bit obsessed with this, and will take any advice we can in order to increase our harvest. Her advice is sensible, useful and practical.
No link because the website has been down. Please contact us if you notice it’s up and running again.
Have your Say!
Your turn—what’s the best eco friendly blog to watch? Are there must-follow eco friendly blogs that we’ve missed? Comment below and let us know.