Okay, so your girlfriend or wife says that they’re “PMSing.” What does this mean, and how can you go about handling it in the most awesome way possible.
Let’s find out, “What does PMS-ing mean?”
Find out what PMSing means.
Table of Contents
Wikipedia on PMS
According to Wikipedia, PMS is a physical and emotional state that occurs 1-2 weeks before a women’s period. There are numerous symptoms of PMS, but one of the most common ones is anger or irritability.
These symptoms usually resolve themselves when menstruation begins, and everything is back to normal in terms of mood and physical symptoms like bloating or breast tenderness.
Urban Dictionary on PMS ing
“What does PMSing mean?” at Urban Dictionary. Let’s find out!
Over on Urban Dictionary, the top definition for PMSing is as follows:
“Around a woman’s period – for some it’s before, some it’s after, and some it’s during, they start to go through mood swings and become very emotional. Yes, they’ll bitch and blow up at the smallest things out of nowhere and then go back to feeling normal. But also the littlest things can make them cry at times.”
Here’s how you can use PMSing in a sentence:
“I was PMSing so badly today that when I drove by the cemetery, even though I don’t know anybody that has died or is dying, I started crying.”
“Sorry I kicked you out last week honey, I was PMSing hard.”
7 Signs that you’re PMSing
What to do if your Partner is PMSing
Tip #1: Give them Some Space when PMS ing
One of the most important things to do if your partner is PMSing is give them some space, if required. Let them blow off steam for a minute, or have a little cry in private. It depends on your partner though. They may actually prefer the second tip.
Tip #2: Give your Partner Some Support if They’re PMSing
Your partner may also want some support when they’re PMSing. Perhaps they need a hug, or a listening ear? Be sensitive to their needs.
Perhaps they need you to a meal, or do a load of laundry? The key here is to be proactive and don’t wait for your partner to do these things. Just notice them, and execute.
Tip #3: Chocolate, Bring Chocolate!
Many people crave sugary, or salty food when they’re PMSing. You could do a good deed for your partner by having some emergency rations stashed away for this very situation.
However, don’t start the conversation like this, “Hey honey, you’re PMS ing right now, eat this chocolate.”
Something like this is much better, “Hey honey, I’m thinking of a snack. How about some chocolate?”
However, alcohol and dairy aren’t great for someone going through PMS hell. These things can irritate the stomach, or cause dehydration and make things worse.
Tip #4: Know the Triggers for Pre Menstrual Syndrome
Cramps, backaches and general aches and pains are a real thing for someone going through PMS. Support your partner by rubbing her back or shoulders, snuggling in bed, or giving her a long hug.
All of these things release endorphins and will help your partner feel better.
Tip #6: Believe Them
There are some people who suggest that PMS isn’t real. Don’t be one of those people.
Let’s Sum This Up!
What does PMSing mean for you, the partner? Basically, all your partner needs is a little extra love, and compassion in the week before their period. Be sensitive and kind, and everything will be alright in the world!
How to Tell if you’re PMS-ing
You Know You’re PMS ing When…
- You burst into tears at sad songs on the radio
- Chocolate with every single thing that you eat is a temptation
- Pajamas all day is more tempting than ever
- You honestly think that America’s Next Top Model is the best show ever
- No potato chips? Panic attack
- You feel like your microwave is the only one who cares for you when it tells you to enjoy your meal
- I screamed and threw my food all over the kitchen when I burnt it
- You can eat an entire bag of Oreos, and have no regrets
- You have a hard time sleeping. This is often due to a lack of estrogen at this point in the menstrual cycle.
- Your head hurts, and you’re not sure why.
- Pimples and acne in abundance!
- You think you look fat (bloating is a very real thing before starting your period)
Is there Any Treatment For PMS Ing?
One of the first things to keep in mind if you’re PMSing hard is to be kind to yourself. Allow yourself a night in, or a bit of down time throughout the day.
Take some deep breaths. Go for a quick walk around the block.
Ask the people around you for some extra love during this time! Track your cycle so you know when it’s happening.
Beyond that, there are a few medications or other treatments that you may want to consider. Some of these include antidepressants, NSAIDs, diuretics, or hormonal contraceptives. Check in with your doctor for the best solution for your specific situation.
My PMS is Serious! You May Have PMDD
Learn more about Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
If you have some serious PMS beyond just the regular stuff, you may have Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). It’s such bad PMS that it interferes with your daily life, beyond just crying a bit over the lack of potato chips or wanting to eat chocolate all the time.
Your work, school, or social life may be seriously affected by it. These effects can show up a few days before your period and last until a few days into it.
It’s a real medical condition, so please see your doctor if you feel like your PMS is beyond the normal stuff. There are certainly treatments for it, mainly involving regulating hormones with birth control or an IUD.
You can learn more here: Serious PMS? You might have PMDD.
What Does PMSing Mean?