There are various types of menstrual disorders. This is only a very brief overview of the most common 8 types of abnormal menstruation.
The 8 Types of Menstrual Disorders
Table of Contents
#1: Heavy and/or Long Periods
First up on our list of the 8 types of abnormal menstruation is one of the most common ones: heavy bleeding.
Some people have a very heavy period where they bleed through a jumbo tampon or pad every 1-2 hours for multiple hours in a row. You may also have a period that lasts longer than 7 days. This is known an Menorrhagia.
#2: Light and/or Short Periods
Some people have very light periods that seem more like spotting. There are numerous reasons for this, including dieting, heavy exercise, etc. It’s known as Hypomenorrhea.
If your period is suddenly shorter than normal (from 5 days to 2 days for example), be sure to check out: My Period is Shorter Than Normal this Month.
Different Types of Menstrual Disorders
#3: Bleeding Between Periods (Spotting)
Some people have spotting between periods, and you may also see it referred to as Break-Through Bleeding.
Again, there are many possible reasons for this. One of them is pregnancy, and another common one is endometriosis. You can learn more here:
Learn more about Metrorrhagia (Spotting Between Periods)
#4: Lack of Periods
There are a number of reasons why may not have a period. It’s formally known an Amenorrhea. Some of them include:
- Pregnancy
- Perimenopause/menopause
- Other medical reasons
- Blockage (Cryptomenorrhea)
You can learn more here: Amenorrhea.
#5: Periods that are too Close Together
If you feel like you’re always having your period, you may have what’s known an Polymenorrhea. It’s basically a menstrual cycle that’s shorter than 21 days.
It’s not ideal because it can really interfere with your life. And, it may also be impossible to get pregnant if this is happening because your uterus doesn’t have time to adequately prepare. Check in with your doctor for help with this.
You can learn more about this here: Polymenorrhea.
#6: Periods that are too Far Apart and/or Irregular
Do you have infrequent periods? We mean 6-8 of them in a year, instead of the usual 12-13. You may have what’s known as Oligomenorrhea. You may think it’s actually a good thing, however, it’s certainly not ideal if you’re trying to get pregnant. Check in with your doctor for help with this problem.
You can learn more here: Oligomenorrhea.
Learn more about Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
Do you experience some unwanted symptoms before your period starts? If less severe, it’s known as Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS). If severe, it’s known as Pre Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder.
However, there are some people who hypothesize that PMS isn’t a real condition, and it might just be something that people tell themselves. Doing this actually does more harm than good for women. You can learn more about this theory here:
Another thing that some people experience are PMS like symptoms, but after their period is done. Learn more here: Post Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder.
#8: Painful Periods
Last up on our list of the 8 types of abnormal menstruation is painful periods. Most people have at least mild cramps before, or during their period. But, for some people, it can go way beyond the normal.
Do you have very painful periods and/or cramping? You may have what’s known as Dysmenorrhea. This is when you have menstrual cramps that are so painful that you miss days of school or work. Serious stuff, right?
You can learn more about it here:
I Have One of These Menstrual Disorders, What Should I Do?
Okay, so you have find yourself thinking, “That sounds exactly like me!” when you read one of these 8 types. The first thing you should do is make an appointment with a medical professional.
The good news is that there are treatment options available for all these things. Home remedies can work in some cases, but just go to the doctor, okay? They’ll be able to solve your problem, hopefully quickly and effectively.
8 Types of Abnormal Menstruation: Have You Say!
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