Tampons vs the Diva Cup
Okay, so let’s get to this all-important question: Which period product is right for you? We’ll give you the rundown about menstrual cups vs tampons in a few different categories to help you choose the one that’s right for you.
Diva Cup vs. Tampons: Which Option is Better?
Let’s be real, lots of people are trying to figure out whether or not the Diva Cup is right for them. Is it worth making the switch from tampons, or not?
We’ll look at four key categories to help you decide: the environment, your health, money, and ease of use. But, for more details about the Diva Cup, you’ll want to check this out: Diva Cup Review.
The Environment
The average person uses 10,000+ tampons during a lifetime. It’s even more if you have a heavy and/or long period. That’s a lot of waste going to the landfill. Due to the nature of these products, they can’t be recycled.
Even the most eco-friendly option, tampons without an applicator come wrapped in a little bit of plastic!
Compare this to a Diva Cup. Even though the company officially says to replace it every year, most people use the Diva Cup for at least a few. Depending on where you live, it can sometimes be recycled. This makes it a far better option for the environment.
Your Health
Tampons come with the risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome and there are hundreds of cases each year. So do menstrual cups, but to date, there’s only been one reported case ever. Clearly the risk is lower with the Diva Cup than with tampons. However, more research is needed to come to definitive conclusion about this. Menstrual cups are still quite new and not enough is known about this.
What about toxic chemicals? Many tampon brands contain trace amounts of them, while the Diva Cup offers a toxin free period experience. Just say no to toxins inside your body by making the switch to a Diva Cup, or other period cup.
Let’s Talk Money
The average person spends $5 a month on tampons. It’s even more if you have a heavy period. Although the Diva Cup costs around $30 up front, you’ll “break even” in only a matter of months. Then you potentially have years of savings ahead of you.
Like thousands of dollars of savings over a lifetime. Kind of a game-changer for the bank account, right?
Ease of Use
This is where tampons come out a winner. They are easier to use than the Diva Cup hands down, and you also don’t have to deal with cleaning them because you just throw them into the trash.
Menstrual cups come with a learning curve. It takes most people at least a few cycles to really feel confident with them. But, if you power through that, you’ll have years of happy period times ahead of you! The key is to not give up.
Is the Diva Cup Better than Tampons? Have your Say!
What are your thoughts on the Diva Cup vs Tampons question? Leave a comment below and let us know. Or, check out this story about what happened when they switched to the Diva Cup.
Also be sure to give this article a share on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. It’ll help other people curious about menstrual cups find this useful resource.
Diva Cup Review