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Period Woes? Top 5 Tips for Feeling Better
Have the period woes gotten you down? Many people feel pretty terrible during that time of the month. It’s a very normal thing. But, don’t let it get you down, okay?
Check out our Top 5 Tips for Feeling Better During your Period. They’re simple, easy and will have you feeling better in no time.
How to feel better on your period? Keep on reading for all the details about:
- Getting enough sleep
- Fighting menstrual cramps with the Livia
- Staying hydrated
- Getting it on during your period (the non-messy way)
- Eating healthy
- Checking in with your doctor
- Heating it up
Of course, the most important thing is to be kind to yourself! Take it easy and relax, or plan a night in. Let’s get to the tips for when you feel crappy during your period.
Tip #1: Get Enough Sleep
How to feel better on your period? Get enough sleep!
Everything seems worse when you don’t get enough sleep. Work or school, housework, difficult people in your life, and of course, your period. Studies show that most people need between 7 and 9 hours of rest a night.
Teenagers and kids need even more than that!
You may convince yourself that you’re “fine” with 4-5 hours, or even less than that, but for the vast majority of people, this just isn’t true! Estimates show that around 1% of the population can get away with very little sleep, but the other 99%? Stop burning the midnight oil!
If you want to function at the highest level, then you’re going to need way more than that.
It’ll be far easier to think positively about things with enough sleep. Your body is also able to heal itself faster if you get enough rest. Your brain functioning will improve, so you’ll be able to take some steps to help yourself! You’ll also feel better during that time of the month.
How Much Sleep do People Actually Need?
Tip #2: Electrical Impulses for Period Cramps
If you have bad menstrual cramps, there are a few natural ways to alleviate them. Some of these include:
- Exercise
- Acupuncture
- Heat packs
- Cabbage
- Massage with lavender
Something else you could try is the Livia Machine. It’s a new device (first sold in 2016) that claims to stop period cramps. The company calls the Livia the “On-Off” switch for menstrual pain. It’s similar to a TENS machine that you might use at the physio’s office.
But, does the Livia machine actually work? Studies have shown that yes, it does work for many people. If your cramps are terrible, it may be a worth a try. It’s perhaps better than popping a ton of painkillers during your period? That stuff is hard on the body to use on a regular basis.
Try out the Livia for yourself and see if your menstrual cramp situation improves!
Tip #3: Stay Hydrated During your Period
Do you want to know how to feel better on your period? One simple tip is to drink enough water.
Many people don’t drink enough water. If you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. The bad news is that our bodies don’t function well this way, and we end up feeling worse than we really have to.
Help yourself out during your period by drinking enough water. This is particularly true when you’re exercising, or it’s very hot outside. You’ll have more energy, injuries will heal faster, and you’ll wonder why you weren’t drinking more water all these years!
Quick tip. Here’s how to tell if you’ve drunk enough water. Check the colour of your pee. Is it bright yellow? You’re dehydrated. It should be clear or light yellow. The exception is when you first get up in the morning, where your urine will be pretty dark.
Tip #4: Period Sex
Do you want to know the most interesting way for how to feel better on your period? Keep on reading!
For some people, having sex during their period can help them to feel better. The only problem is that it can get kind of messy. The good news is that there’s a new product that allows you to have non-messy, eco-friendly period sex.
Intimina has just released the Ziggy Menstrual Cup, which is a flat, flexible disc that fits right below your cervix. Most people report that neither they, nor their partner were able to feel it during sex.
Previously, your best option was the Instead Soft Cup, which are very similar in design. The major negative to it is that it’s disposable. However, the Ziggy Cup is made from medical grade silicone and can last for at least a few years. You just have to look after it in the same way that you would for a normal menstrual cup.
Good news for sex lovers during that time of the month!
How to Use the Ziggy Cup
Tip #5: Healthy Eating
The final thing you can do if you feel crappy during your flow is to eat healthy. Our bodies work best on fruits and veggies, not potato chips and pizza! It’s kind of obvious, right?
But, pay extra attention to this during your period, and it’ll help you to feel better.
A Beginners Guide to Healthy Eating
Tip #6: Check in With your Doctor if you Have a Very Heavy Period
Okay, so we know it’s the “Top 5 Tips,” but we’re going to include a bonus one or two ways to help you feel better on your period.
Heavy Periods
If you have a very heavy period, you may want to check in with your doctor. Officially, if you bleed through a tampon or pad every hour or two, for multiple times in a row, or have blood clots larger than a quarter, you may have what’s known as Menorrhagia.
There are a number of different causes, and various treatment options depending on the underlying condition.
However, one thing to be aware of if you have a very heavy period is that you may be low on iron. This is diagnosed by your doctor with a simple blood test. Some of the symptoms include:
- Unusually tired
- Pale
- Shortness of breath
- Headaches
- Dry skin and hair
So, if you’re feeling extra fatigued during your period, you’d naturally feel pretty terrible. A trip to the doctor could help you, so make an appointment!
What about Irregular Periods?
An irregular period can also leave you feeling crappy about life. Maybe your cycle is way too short, you’re spotting between periods, or you’re bleeding for changing amounts of days.
But, the rule of thumb is to check in with your doctor if anything is out of the ordinary with your period. There are a number of causes for fluctuating menstrual cycles, some of them serious, some of them. A trip to a medical professional about irregular periods is never a bad idea!
Tip #7: Get that Heating Pad Out
Many people swear by a heating pad in order to reduce menstrual cramps when they’re feeling terrible during their period. The science behind it says that it could restrict the myometrium, reduce constriction of blood vessels, and improve blood flow to the uterus.
Studies show mixed results. However, it’s certainly worth trying and a heating pad, or hot water bottle could indeed help you to feel better during your period. See if it works for you!
Have your Say about these Feeling Better on your Period Tips!
What do you do when you feel really crappy during that time of the month? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us. What’s your top 1 or 2 tips for how to feel better on your period?